不知何故,无论它的生长速度和获得的大小,云计算似乎都在加速。至少,这就是第五年度的样子AWSre:Inventconference this week, where some 32,000 cloud enthusiasts have thronged to Las Vegas to learn about what’s new from Amazon Web Services and its ecosystem of partners and customers. (Another 50,000 watched the keynotes via live-streaming.) The whole event has the palpable buzz of a celebration of a successful, growing industry that feels like it’s on the right side of history.

当然,新遗物在那里,作为钻石赞助商,带有一个包装的摊位,主持新遗物专家和合作伙伴的闪电演讲,以及与我们的云建筑师的几次售罄的会议Lee Atchison(谁在亚马逊和AWS呆了七年) - 更不用说下班后举行了填充的容量。

我们将有更多关于New Relic参与即将发布的帖子的信息,但首先让我们看看AWS首席执行官Andy Jassy在周三早上开幕主题演讲中揭示的一些最有趣的东西。

The cloud grows “superpowers”

As is customary for re:Invent, Jassy started off with a list of AWS’s growth statistics, which somehow keep getting more impressive every year. Jassy said AWS now has a $13 billion revenue run rate, representing a 55% year-over-year growth. That comes from “millions of active customers,” he said, ranging from tech startups to giant enterprises and including “every imaginable” vertical market segment, including 23,000 government entities around the world, 7,000 academic institutions, and 20,000 non-profits. TheAWS市场, meanwhile, now includes more than 3,500 from 1,100 sellers, and usage is growing 112% year over year.

andy jassy, ceo of aws

AWSis the fastest growing $1 billion-plus enterprise tech company, he said, growing 55% year over year. He cited Gartner’s claim that AWS is several times the size of the next 14 competitors combined. And he quoted财富评论企业对云服务的“几乎无法满足的需求”。


T2, R4、C5 I3, F1,and Elastic GPU

AWSannounced a pair of new T2 instance sizes: t2.xlarge and t2.2xlarge has approximately twice the power of the existing Large T2 instance, while 2XL has approximately twice the power of the XL instance.

该公司还宣布将其R3内存处理实例从R3升级到R4,大约将计算功率和速度翻了一番。同样,i2正在升级到i3,将IOPS提高了9次,并且大约将记忆,存储和CPU等统计数据增加了一倍。为了保持主题的发展,这4个实例使用Intel Skylake芯片升级到C5,以大约两倍的性能。


(For more details, see Amazon’s blog post:EC2 Instance Type Update – T2, R4, F1, Elastic GPUs, I3, C5

GPU也引起了人们的关注,随着新的预览Amazon EC2的弹性GPU。它旨在让可能只需要少量GPU计算的用户购买他们想要的东西,然后将其附加到任何AWS实例中。最后,Jassy宣布了一个开发人员的预览,其中包括现场可编程阵列(FPGA)的新F1实例类型,可以在现场编程,以提高特定任务的性能。他说:“您所有的工作量都不是香草,”拥有正确的工具对于最大程度地提高性能至关重要。


如果FPGA代表高端,那么Amazon Lightsail是对公司客户群低端的推动力。Lightsail旨在让用户为简单应用程序创建简单的工作负载,而无需处理AWS的内部工作。开发人员可以从每月$ 5的价格开始访问其虚拟私人服务器(VPS),并根据需要从那里生长。


对简单性的关注也很明显亚马逊雅典娜, a new way to perform simple SQL queries of your data in Amazon S3. The idea is that “everyday developers” can get more utility out of their data, Jassy said, without having to deal with any infrastructure. He said results come in seconds— “sometimes milliseconds”—and users pay only for the queries they actually run.

And it seems like you can’t have a tech conference in 2016 without Artificial Intelligence making an appearance, and re:Invent did not disappoint. Jassy announced three new AI projects, and promised more for 2017.

aws re:invent amazon ai annoucement

Amazon Rekognition是由深度学习提供支持的图像检测和识别服务。Jassy说,它可以告诉图像中的人数(例如,以确保他们不会自动裁剪),执行面部匹配(在安全应用程序中有用)并发现他们的情感(微笑或皱眉)。他说,更好的是,使用越多地使用微调。

亚马逊波莉is a text-to-speech service designed to take a stream of text and spit out a stream of natural-sounding speech, including correctly pronounced colloquialisms, such as abbreviations and other natural-language assumptions. “The temp in WA is 75 F” might be rendered as “The temperature in Washington is 75 degrees Fahrenheit,” for example.

Amazon Lex使用亚马逊的Alexa技术来帮助开发人员构建对话性语音和文本接口,以利用Lambda触发来吸引上下文信息。


如果有像云计算一样热的技术趋势,那就必须是物联网。贾西(Jassy)指出,这两者是密切相关的,因为许多物联网设备的机上功能很小,并且依靠云来获得各种帮助。那就是那里AWS绿草进来,旨在将AWS的力量带入简单的IoT设备。Greengrass软件可以嵌入或下载到IoT设备中,即使不连接到云,也可以使用Lambda触发事件 - 通常可以在遥远的物联网实现中发生。贾西说,申请包括智能家居,农业和制造业。

aws re:invent greengrass announcement


在AWS RE:Invent 2015,AWS雪球给我留下了深刻的印象,一个手提箱大小的数据传输设备。显然,我不是唯一的一个。Jassy说,对雪球的需求比预期的高10倍 - 一些客户甚至使用该设备拍摄自拍照。该设备令人惊讶的受欢迎程度使AWS开发了雪球边缘, which doubles capacity to 100TB and adds clustering capability and AWS Lambda-powered local processing to enable new applications; for example, collecting oceanographic or aeronautic data in the field, doing rough analysis on site, and then sending the device back to AWS to put the data in the cloud to allow deeper analysis.

但是当Jassy推出AWS时,主题演讲的观众喘不过气来Snowmobile,该设备的(字面上是)卡车大小的版本是为“ Exabyte级”数据存储情况设计的。As a full-sized semi-trailer drove on onstage, Jassy explained that Snowmobile was a “new definition of container computing,” and said it’s designed to be dropped off at the customer’s data center, filled with up to 100 Petabytes of data, and then driven to an AWS data center for transfer into the cloud. Now that’s scale!

AWSre:invent snowmobile announcement


两个半小时的主题演讲中还有更多Aurora database compatibility with PostgreSQL, not to mention customer testimonials from McDonalds, Enel, and FINRA, among others. But the overarching themes centered around continual expansion of the cloud’s capabilities, adoption, and use cases.

“I believe the next 10 years will have markedly more innovation,” Jassy said. During AWS’ first decade of life, a lot of time and angst was wasted on worrying whether people would really use the cloud, he explained. Now, he continued, “there are no more ‘if’ conversations. There are only ‘when’ and ‘how’ conversations.” That will give companies more time and energy to innovate in the cloud, he predicted.

Watch the video of Andy Jassy’s full keynote below:


弗雷德里克·保罗(Fredric Paul)(又名弗雷德(Freditor))是新遗物的总编辑。他是屡获殊荣的作家,编辑和内容策略师,他曾在ReadWrite,Allbusiness.com,Insperionbusiness,Informationweek,CNET,CNET,电子娱乐,PC World和PC | Computing担任过高级编辑职位。他的写作出现在麻省理工学院技术评论,Omni,Conde Nast Traveler和Newsweek等。查看帖子

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